Debbie Polvino: Vacation Rental Owner in North Carolina

Debbie  Polvino Vacation Rentals Owner

Debbie Polvino

About Debbie
Three families originally purchased the whole duplex in 2001 where we raised our families. Life changes and I bought the East side of the duplex 1/2020 to keep it in my family. I grew up in Swansboro and most of my relatives still live in the area so I am a great resource for suggestions on places to go when you are vacationing in my house.
Debbie purchased this House in 2001
Why Debbie chose Emerald Isle
I fell in love with the views the first time I entered the house. I loved the location at the end of a no-through street and the fact that the lot to the left of the property is a treed, undeveloped lot. When we first purchased the duplex it had dark paneling and furniture that looked like it belonged in the mountains. We have updated the house every year. Within the last 5 years we added new siding, windows, a bathroom, floors, deck, landing, new roof, TVs and this year I just added new stainless steel appliances in the kitchen.
What makes this House unique
Our high dune affords us great views and we have more privacy than most places on the island due to the treed lot beside of us and being the last house on the street.
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