Kimberley Lightfoot: Vacation Rental Owner in Kentucky

Kimberley Lightfoot Vacation Rentals Owner

Kimberley Lightfoot

About Kimberley Lightfoot
I live on the Lake!! Beautiful sunrises every morning, deer grazing thru the yard, and fish biting - well somewhere out there. Other people seem to catch fish, I don't know what is wrong with my pole, or bait, or hmmm. Oh well.
I respect the privacy of my guests, but am available promptly when needed.
Kimberley Lightfoot purchased this Condo in 2013
Why Kimberley Lightfoot chose Gilbertsville
This property captured our hearts with the fabulous views, the easy water access, and the amazing amounts of wildlife. We don't go a single visit without seeing deer, cranes, otters, or some other critter roaming about.
What makes this Condo unique
The cove is perfect for swimming and kayaking. At summer water levels it is approximately 7 feet deep off the dock. It is protected and is not a pathway for boats, which makes it great to let the kids swim in or to paddle the kayaks around without worry.
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