Steve Perez: Vacation Rental Owner in North Carolina

Steve  Perez Vacation Rentals Owner

Steve Perez

My wife and I are both in the real estate industry and own a brokerage firm in Orlando, FL named Altura Investment Realty. We are both graduates from the University of Central Florida and have three great kids. We work hard and play hard and this cabin is the most relaxing place we know. We get to visit several times a year and enjoy snowboarding, fishing and just relaxing.
Why they chose this property
We fell in love with the high country of North Carolina and wanted to own a little slice of heaven. We actually used to rent this cabin from the previous owner and fell in love with the views and tranquility it had to offer. The cabin was perfectly located to all we enjoyed doing so when it came up for sale we jumped at the opportunity. We've owned the cabin since 2004 and have loved every minute of it!!
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