Ann Wilson: Vacation Rental Owner in Florida

Ann Wilson Vacation Rentals Owner

Ann Wilson

I grew up in Michigan and since then have lived in several states.
In 1992 both of my sons were in college. I was living with my widowed brother while finishing research for my MA. I wanted to live on the beach for a few months before returning north to work. Thus Sonny (my brother) and I (Sis) were driving along Gulf Blvd. after looking at a rental in Redington. I saw a real estate office and told him to "turn in here" . Since he was my brother not my husband he turned into Imperial real estate. This was the beginning of a continuing love affair with my "Shack on the Sand"
Since that day, I finished my Master s, the boys graduated from college, my brother passed, I retired from my career as a speech and language pathologist. I have no grandchildren.
I have written a book of ideas for language development for children to age 7. I was a storyteller and presented workshops in 6 states about blending storytelling and language development. I once had the opportunity to storytell in Ireland. Now I have a small book of short tales about local flowers. This is available in the "Shack".
I used live with a black poodle about 3 miles from the "Shack on the Sand". Sadly Fritz passed 10/11/21.
Why this property? Unit #3 at 410 Gulf was for sale, I was searching for a place to rentl but took a look anyway. I walked in, looked out the front sliders said "This is it!"
I then sat on the couch and lost myself in the view.
I was able to assume the mortage. I lived at 410 for a couple of months before returning north to work. I rented the property long term to a realtor for 3 years, then turned it into a weekly vacation rental.
It was love at first sight and I have loved my "Shack on the Sand" for 30 years. I have changed floors, windows, lighting and doors. I am on my 4th round of appliances, 3rd air conditioner, and have lost count on the silver, dishes, linen, beds and furniture.
I have come to love Indian Rocks Beach because of its' small town atmosphere, civically active citizens, museum, post office and library.
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