FJ Rich: Vacation Rental Owner in Florida

FJ Rich Vacation Rentals Owner

FJ Rich

Speaks : English, German, Italian
About FJ Rich
Please Note:-
We view those in our home as guests, not renters, which is why it is fully stocked of foods and prepared for our our personal use of it. This is our vacation home, on one of the most beautiful and private islands in the world. It is not palatial, but family built, owned, and carefully maintained. We want "guests" that appreciate the special offering of such a property for the 12-weeks per year we accept guests, and who will take care of it as though their own, value the gift that it is to us, and find themselves in the extraordinary hospitality of the house. Please read the reviews: this is a place for people who view themselves as "guests," and not "renters."
Why FJ Rich chose Casey Key
No words describe the location adequately. Check photos or research Casey Key independently.
What makes this House unique
The property is exclusive and very private, though accessible to virtually any kind of activity. Inspiration is as natural as breathing on Casey Key.
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