David H. Jones: Vacation Rental Owner in Florida

David H. Jones Vacation Rentals Owner

David H. Jones

About the owner:-
Vacationed on Anna Maria Island in 2008, loved the relaxing atmosphere and charm of the area. Decided to buy this vacation home and have shared it with thousands of guests since July, 2008. I live in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and come over to my vacation home as often as possible.
I grew up in western Kentucky near Bowling Green. I was drafted in 1971 and spent 2 years in the Army. I graduated with chemical engineering degree in December 1974 from University of Kentucky that moved me to Louisiana in January 1975. I have been in Baton Rouge all but first 3 years in Lake Charles. I was married and have 4 children that attended Baton Rouge schools and graduated from Louisiana State University as Tiger fans.
Why this property? The old real estate saying, LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION. In addition to that, the home had such a warm comfortable feeling that you felt relaxed immediately and ready to enjoy that island vacation atmosphere. The convenience of it on the island and surrounding area made it great to stay a week or quickly feel “at home” for a much longer stay. The atmosphere of island is very laid back, relax you are on vacation!!!
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